Life as a teenager never seems to get easier and it’s not our fault either. Honestly, it really isn’t, blame puberty. The hair starts on the big toes, makes it way from the legs to our arms and then all over our face. As an experienced teenager I know these things but soon I wave hello to manhood, yes, that special age is approaching.

The most annoying thing about puberty, at least for guys, is the huge amount of hair which seems to appear all over the body. I guess when I say huge I’m being rather pathetic, I guess its not much hair but I do miss the days when I could look down at completely bald legs. No doubt the most irritating place for hair to grow is the face. Getting up in the morning is usually about not getting up for a teenager. However, when a moustache begins to grow you cannot afford to miss the bathroom for this morning, you have to face the music and have that wash and shave. Perhaps a moustache is God’s way of telling the teenage race that we need a clean?

Not all listen to this ‘moustache calling’. I go to Richard Challoner School in New Malden and its clear which boys have missed the bathroom because they always have hair consuming their little spotty pubescent faces. I can’t imagine them looking in the mirror and considering their face as perfect for the school day. Yet again perhaps they can’t see amongst the pastorals which petrude through their faces? Sorry, I know it sounds disgusting but its true and before I go any further I would like to point out Richard Challoner is a brilliant school. Apart from the teenagers the school has excellent facilities (even has a brand new gym, sports hall, sixth form centre and drama studio!).

The reason for my teenage rambling is due to a special event, two special events actually. Firstly my 18th birthday is fast approaching and I’m really excited! Finally I will be able to vote… on that note Gordon Brown should have really called the election! Currently we have Gordon Brown leading things and the country didn’t even vote for him! Is this a democracy or a dictatorship? Labour is constantly voting in new legislations which only ruin the lives of the people and cause less money income. I will also be able to vote for a new mayor. Bye Ken Livingston and welcome Boris Johnson!

At 18 most things can be done. I can buy alcohol in a bar, join the armed forces without parental consent, drive a medium sized goods vehicle, see 18 rated films, buy fireworks, obtain a commercial pilot license, gamble, get married without parental consent and even donate my organs to science. I can sign a binding contract which means I could technically sell my soul to the cheese industry. After all, being 18 is being an adult and so suddenly the world opens up.

It’s a good job I have a fully functioning brain otherwise I fear being 18 would be a fantastic age to be killed. I have no doubt in the past teenagers have turned 18 and have gone absolutely mad in the power crazed “I’m now 18!” sort of way. I don’t blame them, it’s tempting. I could aim fireworks at Gordon Brown, rob a bank with my medium sized goods vehicle or get tattoos stained all over my body. What will I have achieved? Perhaps a place in a prison cell because I would be 18. Although I’m sure Gordon Brown will let me out…

I did originally say “two special events”; the second event is a rather pathetic one. It’s quite simple, I turn 18 on January 18th! That will never happen again, ever!