The teenage years of your life are meant to be the best or that is what I have heard. Personally I can’t wait to see what happens in my middle age. Will I marry? Will I ever have kids? What job will I have? Will I be known for anything? I’m sure every young person has some sort of dream they would like to follow but I am impatient to find out mine.

I understand that patience is a virtue and that might be why I don’t possess it. There are two things in this world which need patience. The first one is public transport simply because it is so rubbish. I understand there is a Blog on this website that is dedicated to public transport and I have found parts very amusing. Although it’s not like you need to read a blog to understand how bad public transport is, there is a bus stop at the end of my road which examples that.

The second patience trial life provides you with are family. I truly believe I am blessed with my family and I love them all but still patience is needed. In particular I have two younger teenage brothers which regularly seem to get under your skin and typically parents always show you the inconvenient bits of your life which you really would prefer to be kept hidden.

Looking back on my life so far I have spent my whole life in education. From the cradle we are taught how we should act, what we need to learn and gradually all the information soaks in. That was the primary school years and in the teenage years it’s all about discovery. Being a teenager isn’t about learning, it’s about who you are, that is what school doesn’t teach you. Perhaps this is the cause of the classic rebellious teenager?

I suppose that is what society needs to learn. Teenagers won’t just sit still and blend in with everybody else as they strive to be different. Teenage life is about taking the uniqueness we all have and then broadcasting it out of huge amps at a rock concert. Teenage life is about finding out what your parents absolutely hate and then making it your hobby. Teenage life is about cycling on the pavement stupidly fast dodging old people in their buggies.

Obviously this is going to give “teenagers a bad rap” as they are doing stuff deliberately against the law, may that be parent law or the country’s. It is only in the 20th century that teenagers have been allowed or been able to be so rebellious. A well recommended book which reveals influences in the teenage world is ‘James May’s 20th Century’.

As a teenager middle age interests me because I want to know how I will turn out to be. The problem is I quite like being teenager...