I can’t believe that I’m actually looking forward to the next series of Torchwood.

The last series was astonishingly bad in parts - with lots of gratuitous sex and snogging in an attempt to seem edgy.

Yes last series overall was a masochistic experience minus the pleasure. Why did I keep watching then? Well just in case it got better.

I think the episode Cyberwoman was one of worst where it turned out that no-one noticed Ianto moving in his half mechanical girlfriend into the basement. Oh and it turned out that the flying dinosaur thing the team have flying around the base will actually eat people (true they have to be sprayed with a special sauce first - but I’m a messy eater). That’s not the sort of pet I’d chose to have - but then I have seen all three Jurassic Park films.

It’s certainly not Captain ‘teeth and gums’ Jack that’s attracting me back to the show. But I’ve high hopes that appearances by James Marsters - who played Spike in Buffy the Vampire Slayer - and Freema Agyeman - who played The Doctor’s last assistant Martha Jones in Doctor Who - will make it an enjoyable rather than masochistic experience.

Torchwood's second series is due to start on BBC2 at 9pm on January 16.