Rather scarily my new favourite website is based on a television programme for three to six year olds.

It's boohbah.com

I found it after a colleague and I were discussing terrifying and off-putting children’s TV characters. While I’m still afraid of the Tweenies and their assorted works, my friend said she’d been left rather disgusted by the Boobahs and their resemblance to part of the male anatomy.

Having never heard of Boobahs before I gave them a quick google and found a cacophony of noise and colour.

What I love best is that after the first click, there’s next to no instructions on what to do or how to navigate this "Boobah interactive zone".

Instead there are a lot of random noises, strange dances, whistling, clicks and bright colours all of which I found appealing - although one colleague, watching me move around the site, did remark he was left wondering if he’d accidentally ingested psychotropic substances while on his lunch break.

Still I think it’s great fun, so much so I’m having to ration myself during the working hours.