I was flicking through my new work mobile phone.

I was hoping to work out how to add a pretty wallpaper and some kind of dashing screensaver.

But what I found instead was a little folder full of text message templates.

It seems the idea behind them is to save you a little time when texting. The folder contains a list of things you might find yourself texting to people quite a lot. For example there’s one for if you are late (very useful) and one where you just put in your arrival time and the rest is written for you.

But I was most perturbed to find one that just has "I love you too".

Finding this made me a little bit sad inside.

I mean is it really that much trouble to tell the one you love that you can’t go to the effort of typing in the words yourself.

Or for some reason does the object of your affections need so much reassurance you need a shortcut to deal with their demands.

In either case. If you have to use a text message template because telling writing I love you is taking too much time out of your day - you need a new partner, preferably one that’s not demented or you need a new heart, preferably one that’s still beating.