Well it’s good to see that Croydon Central’s Tory MP Andrew Pelling sticks to his guns.

Following my last entry about his support for making MPs exempt from the Freedom of Information Act – Mr Pelling has admonished anyone for daring to suggest he’s doing anything other than acting in his constituents' best interests.

In a tirade against the newspaper Mr Pelling again reasserts his suggestion that the paper is grubby, but also seems to point to the real reason for his anger.

His angst seems actually to be a result of reporters wanting to find out what he’s paying his wife who does constituency work for him.

He writes:

“Your paper's attack in last week's paper on my wife who works on constituency casework seven days a week was nasty and undeserved. The reference to Lucy being my 'second' wife was gratuitous. The picture of my holding a glass of mineral water at the opening of Sainsbury's in Upper Norwood was a risible attempt at
suggesting a high-living life for MP's. Perhaps readers will regard my reference to your paper as "grubby" as being well-desereved (sic).”

I do want to know how much you are paying your wife – since I'm concerned it's taxpayers money you are paying her with.

And if you didn’t want that photograph printed Andrew – perhaps you shouldn’t have posed for it.

For anyone who didn't see the photo – here it is again in all its glory:
